Wednesday, March 16, 2011

five finger vibrams benifits Two

    Scientists have recently found benefit in switching from running with shoes to running without. According to studies, barefoot running can improve posture, performance and joint health. It’s not just about what you wear when you run, however, but how you run. The method used while running barefoot is the forefoot striking method, where the front of the foot makes contact with the ground first. The current technique is the heel striking method. Barefoot Running Helps with Good Posture

    Forefoot striking is a more natural way of running. Energy from the impact is distributed throughout the foot and the tendons in the ankle are used to shoot the body forward. This method of running has been shown to be more efficient, allowing runners to continue to run much longer than conventional methods. However, there is a significant issue that comes with forefoot striking.
    People have been using shoes for millennia. Footwear is entirely structured around the heel striking method. Different muscle groups are used in heel striking than in forefoot striking. Because of shoes, these muscles have been developed and become resilient to the demands of the movement style. This leaves the muscles used in forefoot running underdeveloped. Most have never attempted a different running technique and the switch can be quite challenging.

    Heel striking has been shown to put incredible strain on the knees and ankle. Suppose a man is running at 6mph. While heel striking, a vertical stop is imposed on the leg, effectively putting a stop to the body’s inertia. The body weight is transferred down the leg, compounded by the energy of forward movement, and focused on the joints.

    Because the muscles are weaker, forefoot running has a demanding learning curve. Many will find that the strain on the muscles is overwhelming and often painful. When starting out, the strain on the ankle will be high because it will have minimal support from the muscle groups. This changes over time, but there are risks of injury for those that have never tried another running technique before.

    Many footwear companies are developing shoes to help with this problem. five finger vibrams, who for years has provided rubber for soles to other companies, has made their own five-fingered shoes. They are meant to allow for all the benefits of barefoot running while still offering the support, safety and comfort of traditional footwear.

    Barefoot running has many benefits and can help with overall health and stamina. five finger vibrams is looking to help with the transition in running technique so that everyone can enjoy and better, more natural experience.

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